




執筆者:安徽富陽 金峰 ECOAGRICULTURE CO.,LTD. は、園芸の専門知識と最高品質の植物や樹木が出会う場所です。30 年以上の経験を持つ当社は、園芸のあらゆるニーズに応える最高級の植物を提供する専門家としての評判を築いてきました。数基の小さなプラスチック温室から始まった当社は、約 300 エーカーに及ぶ広大な事業に成長しました。


Kiwifruit, with its vibrant green flesh and sweet-tart flavor, is a delightful addition to any fruit garden. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a beginner, growing kiwifruit can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. In this comprehen


  1. 品種の選択:

Before embarking on your kiwifruit-growing journey, it's important to select a variety that suits your climate and preferences. The two main types of kiwifruit are the fuzzy kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) and the smooth kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). Fuzzy kiwifruit is the most common type, while smooth kiwifruit is known for its sweeter taste and smoother texture.


  1. 植付:

キウイフルーツのつるは、有機物が豊富で水はけのよい土壌でよく育ちます。春、最後の霜が降り終わった後に、日当たりのよい場所に植えます。土壌の pH 値は 5.5 ~ 7.5 である必要があります。土壌が酸性すぎる場合は、石灰を加えて pH 値を上げることができます。丈夫なトレリス システムにつるを植え、約 10 フィートの間隔を空けます。


  1. 水やり:



  1. 施肥:

豊作を確実にするために、 キウイフルーツのつる need regular fertilization. Apply a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20, every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates. Additionally, incorporating organic matter, such as compost, into the soil before planting can provide long-term nutrient benefits.


  1. 剪定:



  1. 受粉:

Kiwifruit plants are dioecious, meaning they have separate male and female plants. To ensure fruit production, it's important to have both male and female plants in close proximity for pollination. While some kiwifruit varieties are self-fertile, having a male plant nearby can increase fruit set and yield.


  1. 害虫および病気の管理:

他の果物作物と同様に、 キウイフルーツ 害虫や病気に弱いです。一般的な害虫には、アブラムシ、ダニ、カイガラムシ、毛虫などがあります。定期的な監視、早期発見、総合的病害虫管理 (IPM) の実践により、害虫を効果的に防除できます。細菌性潰瘍、うどんこ病、根腐れなどの病気は、適切な衛生管理、病気に強い品種、必要に応じて殺菌剤を適切に使用することで管理できます。


  1. 収穫と保管:

Kiwifruit is typically harvested in the fall, between September and November, when the fruit is fully ripe. The fruit should be firm but yield to gentle pressure. If picked too early, the fruit may not ripen properly. After harvesting, kiwifruit can be stored in a cool, dry place for a few weeks. However, it's best to consume them as soon as possible for the freshest flavor and texture.



Growing kiwifruit requires careful attention to detail and proper management, but with the right techniques, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious fruit. From selecting the right variety to providing optimal growing conditions, practicing good pruning techniques, and implementing pest and disease control measures, you'll be well on your way to a successful kiwifruit garden. Remember to adapt your approach based on your specific climate and seek guidance from local experts for additional support. Happy kiwifruit growing!